Lainee Lou Hou is finally medication free! This is Part 1 of our celebration! We are so thankful for your support and love and prayers!! We wish we could have you all over for a dinner party! We'd have all of my favorite summer time cookout foods; Grilled Pizza, Grilled Romaine, watermelon (Lainee's favorite), and because we don't have a bonfire, we'd have to settle for S'mores Ice Cream Sandwiches!
Lainee Lou Hou UPDATE!!!
Our welsh terrier, Lainee Lou Hou was diagnosed with Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia (IMTP) and Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA) almost 11 months ago during her first 8 day stay in doggie ICU. IMTP is defined as when the immune system starts attacking healthy platelets, platelets are required for blood to form clot. IMHA is when the immune system starts to attack healthy red blood cells. It has been a long road with many set-backs, but we have some REALLY exciting news to share with you!!
Update #5 from Lainee Lou Hou's gofundme account!
Sorry it has been so long since we posted an update! The good news is that Lainee Lou Hou has had so much more energy and with that, she is a little bit more of a handful! It feels like chasing/carrying a furry non-conversational toddler around the house most of the time. Her appetite has fluctuated quite a bit over the last two weeks and she has vomited a few times but that could be a result of many different factors! Lainee managed to take out all of the stitches from her front paw and somehow, even with her cone on, she figured out how to extract toilet paper from the bathroom. We will take all of this naughtiness with open arms! Increased mischief means she is feeling better and is closer to being her old welsh terrier self! Yesterday we went on our first normal walk with Lainee. It made me quite teary because I didn't know if we would ever do that again!! She was so joyful and even frolicked in the grass! We were overjoyed!!
Update #4 from Lainee Lou Hou's gofundme page!
Happy Sunday everyone! Lainee has been doing very well this weekend! Her appetite has been better and she has been very playful! I spoke with the dermatology specialist on Friday, and they are still waiting on the results of the fungal culture. Once they find out what it is, they will have to dive in to the scientific literature and see what has worked for others in the past for treatment. That makes us a little bit nervous and from what she said about her past cases, it sounds like this will be a longer and more complicated journey than we originally thought.