Today at Whole Foods, my favorite employee, the guy who's line I always try to squeeze into, asked me a very interesting question. He asked me if I had one question for someone to ask me, what would it be? He said that he realized everyone has their thing they want to tell people, so he wondered, what would my soapbox be?
GOTR Community Impact Project & #GIVINGTUESDAY
Anyone who spends at least a little bit of time with me, knows how much I love Girls on the Run. There are SO MANY things I love about GOTR (you can read them here, here, and here), but there is one part of the curriculum that is particularly perfect for #GivingTuesday. Part of the Girls on the Run curriculum focuses on empowering girls to share their strengths and use their unique gifts to positively impact those around them. At the end of the season, every Girls on the Run team creates their own Community Impact Project. The projects are driven by the girls, they are responsible for planning, collecting materials, etc, which gives them a strong sense of ownership and accomplishment. They walk away feeling empowered and realize that together they can have an impact on their communities or towards a cause they are passionate about.