As soon as we got back home from our travels, I hit the kitchen. The first recipe recreation I'd like to share is the Spinach and Chickpea Cazuela we had at Barcelona Wine Bar. With fall just around the corner, this is the PERFECT side to serve as a snack, appetizer, or side dish. It is warm, filling, and the cumin adds a smokey flavor. The roasted garlic and shallot contributes a sweet flavor that definitely plays well with the savory taste of cumin. There are only about nine ingredients involved (not including, water, salt, and pepper!). Most of them are pantry staples, so you probably have them all in your house right now! Except for the cumin seeds, maybe!
BOSTON - Day 2: Savory doughnuts, Blue Hills Reservation, Boston Harbor, and Barcelona Wine Bar
Our second day in Boston involved savory doughnuts, a trip to Blue Hills Reservation with the loveliest hiking trails I've ever seen in my life, Boston Harbor, Boston's North End, and Barcelona Wine Bar!